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 Clinical Studies

You Matter in Clinical Research!


In an attempt to make studies more accessible to diverse community members like you, we have identified trusted culturally competent clinical research sites that have studies for your consideration.  Please click your health condition area of interest and find a study that might fit you. If you don't find what you are looking for here, please send us an email to


In addition to the studies below, our partners Altura Health has study options you can find in your local area for free.  Their platform HCP studies is available to you via desktop or phone app by clicking here.

Remember your participation in clinical trials is valuable and don’t forget you do not have to do this alone.  Please contact us to sign up for a safe space to get a better understanding of the clinical research process before participation and/ or sign up for a study buddy who will go with you on your clinical trial journey.


Diverse Research Now (DRN) utilizes this Featured Study Opportunities page to collaborate with academic and industry researchers to help enroll patients in a clinical study that may be right for them.  The studies listed on this site are not Diverse Research Now studies. The listing and sharing of these studies are for information purposes only and does not imply recommendation or favor of DRN, and DRN does not endorse any particular study.  DRN recommends every patient consult with their physician prior to participation in any study.  We also recommend reaching out to DRN to first be educated about clinical trials in general before taking part in any of the studies listed here.

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We will be happy to find a clinical study that

will benefit you

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